Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

Disma Services Pty Ltd, trading as Distil Management, will collect personal information, including that of a sensitive nature, in regard to clients and staff. This information will only be collected with the consent of the individual.

The information, and the process by which it is gathered, will be done under the Disability Services Act and Health and Disability Services (complaints) Act to ensure appropriate regard for our clients.

Electronic systems will have a high level of encryption to ensure your information is safe and secure online. Distil holds limited paper copies, however any paper copies will be stored securely and destroyed in accordance with current legislative requirements.

Data Breach

In the event of a data breach/unauthorised access to personal and sensitive information, that is likely to result in serious harm to our clients, Distil will notify affected individuals by telephone, email or SMS. Where we are unable to contact a client or affected individual, a copy of the data breach statement, sent to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), will be published on the Distil website.

Distil will follow the Australian Privacy Principles outlined within the Privacy Act 1988 and all subsequent amendments. This will guide Distil on collection, storage and disclosure of personally identifiable information.

Privacy Complaints

Any privacy complaints can be lodged directly on our website under complaints.